Monday, March 14, 2011

disaster in japan: i am heartbroken


We've contacted all our family and friends in Japan and everyone is fine. But there are many thousands of others that have lost their lives, their loved ones, their homes, all that they possess, and their day-to-day lifestyles. Some still have no power or running water. Others are stranded in shelters and are running out of food with threat of radiation exposure. Yes, natural disasters occur all the time. Yes, japan is not a third world country. Yes, Japan is resourceful and the northeast will eventually rebuild their infrastructure from the damage caused by this crippling disaster, but these people are emotionally scarred forever. I can only imagine the pain they must be feeling now and for the years to come.

A bright light shines through the muddy rubble the quake and tsunami has left behind. The light of millions of prayers, good thoughts, donations and support by people like you.

Click on this link to see photos of the disaster: The Calamity of Japan's 8.9-Magnitude Quake


  1. sending you blogger ((hugs)). My heart goes out to all the people affected by this terrible tragedy. I'm also fortunate that my friends in Japan are okay, though they may have lost their homes. I can't imagine losing everything like that. I'm so glad that all your loved ones in Japan are okay.

  2. Hi Citizen K,

    I'm grateful for your blogger love! Thank you! We have been very busy in little ol' Fairbanks, Alaska. The Japanese community here has mobilized and within a week, we organized and put on a huge bake and craft sale at our local visitor's center. So many people came together to help our cause. It has been very humbling and warming to know that we are surrounded by such caring people. We had 410+ people attend our sale! We have yet to find out the amount raised, but we are sending it to those most in need. Thank you so much for your hugs and I'm very glad your friends in Japan are ok, too. :)
